During 2021 the Green Living Centre continued to support our community’s transition to a low carbon lifestyle through face-to-face workshops and online webinars. Here are some of our favourite events from the year. A number of the webinars are still available on Inner West Council’s website for you to enjoy over the holidays.
We’d like to thank all the amazing facilitators we worked with during the year and everyone who attended workshops and webinars or joined in the conversation on Facebook and Instagram . It’s been a fascinating and inspiring green year.
January – In summer we shared sustainable living tips on our Facebook and Instagram pages, including our favourite environmental books and podcasts for the year, and how to travel and keep cool sustainably. February – We had a crafty start to the year and collaborated with Reverse Garbage to present a Reuse Basket making workshop. People refashioned old tee-shirts into baskets and learnt the joy of repurposing and upcycling. March – We celebrated International Women’s Day with a series of cycling activities led by Pedal Set Go. At three different events attendees learnt how to change a tyre and fix other common maintenance issues, improved their on-road cycling skills and a joined a guided cycle along the Cooks River. April – For Youth Week we brought together a group of young people to discuss how they are responding to the climate emergency while practising self-care. Christie Wilson facilitated the discussion with Louise Qui of Endimals, law student Zahra Wilson and April Crawford-Smith, of Pingala and the Valley Centre. May – With Madeleine from Our Simple Gestures we took a close look at our own homes and actions we could take in each room to reduce waste, water and energy use, and minimise consumption. We had a robust sharing of ideas and people committed to making practical changes. June – For World Environment Day we welcomed the start of the UN Decade on ecosystem restoration with a forum at Marrickville Library Pavilion. Thanks to guest speakers Ciaron Dunn (Cooks River Alliance), Kevin Spence (United Nations Association of Australia, NSW), James Bradley (author) and Tealia Scott (Inner West Council) and the very engaged audience. July – We shared tips on how to reduce plastic use during Plastic Free July through social media and the Green Living Centre blog. We also encouraged people to seek out their local water bubbler and share photos of themselves out and about with their reusable cups and containers. August – With the Australian Energy Foundation we presented a webinar on how to transition to an all-electric home. Attendees learnt the benefits of going all electric, what areas in the home to focus on and how to plan their transition. September – We moved our popular composting and worm farming workshop online, so locals could still learn the essentials of these two important skills. Our knowledgeable host Sarah from Council’s Resource Recovery team answered lots of questions and audience members shared their stories and practical tips. October – Three local fashionistas joined us at a webinar on how to reduce fashion waste. Natalie Shehata (tommie magazine, the Social Outift), Joanne Gambale (Slogue) and Ali Dibley (Bell Street) shared their tips on how to be stylish and sustainable at the same time. November – We hosted the final of our Spring Talks series online. Our guest speakers inspired and intrigued audiences as they spoke about Wild Edibles, Insects and Australian Native bees. You can watch them all on the Inner West Council website along with other webinars we’ve hosted this year. December – We held two festive crafts workshops to encourage people to make their own gifts, cards and decorations. Long-time crafter Gail Russell taught how to crochet reusable dish cloths and face cloths. Local artist Gemma Mckenzie-Booth showed how to make recycled paper as well as decorations and gift tags from reuse materials. A wonderful way to finish the year and celebrate without waste!